Joy has come through many health challenges and is now stable enough to be listed for a kidney transplant. She's is working with the team at ECMC and is hoping a living donor will be a match.
She shared the following:

July 1st 2023 was a day that changed the trajectory of my life. After struggling with some extreme swelling and a host of other decidedly unfun symptoms for a few weeks, I learned that I was in kidney failure.
This picture was taken right after my first session of dialysis 3 days later.
It’s been one heck of a road, but between dialysis, more hospital stays than I can count, more medications than I can count, and more love and support than I will ever be able to express my gratitude for, we’ve finally gotten me stable enough to pursue transplant.
Living-donor kidneys have a much better chance to last decades, they work faster (so I can finally get off dialysis!) and the outcomes associated with them are overall more positive.
If you are interested in becoming my donor, please call the transplant center at ECMC at 716-898-6283 in regards to Joy B.
More information about donating can be found at transplantinfo.comÂ
Thank you so much,